Article via Idaho Mountain Express. Low-income project would bring 60 units to downtown Hailey After years of false starts, seniors will be coming back to…
Freddie Mac’s excited to expand our support for shared equity homeownership programs. We’re relatively new to the shared equity homeownership field, but we’ve listened to…
For the first time, the National Association of Home Builders has agreed to support converting the Mortgage Interest Deduction (MID) to a tax credit. By…
The Housing Affordability Pickle Valley cities face a complex puzzle of jobs, housing, and long-term viability "If jobs-versus - rentals in the classifieds are a…
One might argue that Community Housing programs are unnecessary. " Let the free market forces level the playing field; do not engage in social engineering,"…
The supply of moderately priced housing is critical to the economic viability of the Wood River Valley. Every employer facing hiring decisions is confronted with…
An AFFORDABILITY GAP is the difference between the median selling price of homes and the amount purchasers (earning median household income) can afford to pay…