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Giving from a Charitable Foundation

Donor Advised Fund

Other Ways to Donate


Help ARCH achieve its mission of developing, safe, permanent solutions to housing affordability
for persons of low to moderate-income and to work with all interested public and private parties towards this objective.

Legal Name:
ARCH Community Housing Trust, Inc.

Tax ID:
75 316 7069

Mailing address:
POB 1292, Ketchum, ID 83340

Physical Address:
160 2nd Street, East, Ketchum, ID 83340 Office #217

You can make a gift to ARCH through your DAF.  A DAF is a charitable giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to support your favorite causes.

DAFs can be easily set up through your financial institution to serve as a flexible charitable giving vehicle.  Please contact your financial advisor for specific advice about how to establish a DAF.

If you already have a DAF through an organization that participates in DAF Direct, you can donate directly to ARCH.