About Us

Housing solutions rooted in community, guided by experience.​

Who we are.

ARCH meets Blaine County’s housing crisis head-on, collaborating with community members and business partners to ensure that our workforce and retirees have affordable, attractive, longterm housing.

We are Idaho’s first community housing trust.

Since 2005

Originally an advocacy group, ARCH was formed in 2005 by founder, past Board President, and current Advisory Board Member, Rebekah Helzel. The organization focused on educating policymakers, employers, and the public at large about the need for permanent housing affordability solutions and the resulting problems if affordable housing is unavailable.

In 2007 we amended our bylaws and IRS application to become a Community Land Trust (CLT) with a view to actively acquire land and homes to ensure ongoing affordability. We are a member of the National CLT Network.

Our impact can be felt across Blaine County.


Delivered over 200 units of affordable housing and counting


Secured over $10 million in private donations


Leveraged over $35 million in federal housing dollars
Our Values

We pride ourselves on being responsible, dependable citizens of Blaine County, enhancing our neighborhoods with affordable housing that residents can afford.

Our Vision

To create a thriving, financially sustainable, year-round community in Blaine County that serves all of its residents so that our workforce can serve all of us.

Our Mission

To develop safe, permanently affordable housing for persons of low to moderate income and to work with all interested public and private parties towards this objective.

Our Principles

To deliver high-quality affordable housing. To balance the effective use of resources with the delivery of attractive, long-lasting housing. To integrate workforce housing compatible with surrounding neighborhoods.

Why we do it.

Blaine County is Expenisve

Unlike many other communities, professional service providers cannot afford to live here. Our teachers, hospital workers, postal providers and many other service related members of our community need our help.

It’s Vital to our Economy

By helping individuals and families establish self-sufficiency through housing stability, homeownership, and ultimately financial security, it creates a more vital and thriving community which benefits us all.

We Improve Value

At the forefront of what we do is our mission. The secondary benefit is that our high-quality new construction often increases the average per square foot value of the surrounding area. Also, when we renovate a distressed home it increases the appeal of the adjacent homes.

Our commitment is to make sure the individual that will help save your home from fire or protect you from intrusion isn’t traveling from out of the county.

Help create real housing solutions in Blaine County.​